CBD: Christian Cards and Crafts


Although I have removed advertisements from my blog, I do have a link to CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS (CBD). I have been buying from them for a long time and I wouldn't have their link at the top of my page, unless I felt it benefitted you.
Sincerely, Laura-Lee (moderator)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

PRINT OUT Free Easter Coloring Pages & Bookmarks

Easter Book mark
(Hole to punch out & add ribbon)

I found a few very nice things on the Internet for creating a Christian Easter.

Books marks & coloring pages for you to PRINT OUT for FREE.

Hope you enjoy them with your kids or just to spend some quiet moments (coloring and creating) in the presence of the Lord.



Usually the best way to PRINT something is to 
HOVER OVER IT and then do a right click


Look for the PRINTER emblem somewhere on your Browser Page and click on that 

... and then follow the on screen instructions that follow.

BIRD Book mark

EASTER Bookmark (blank space to add your own sentiment)

NOTE: It is often recommended that you print a book mark (like those above) on a more sturdy paper, like card stock. But I've discovered it can take a lot of time and know-how to align a bookmark on cardstock.
Usually, I will print out a bookmark on regular 8 1/2 X 11 (letter size) paper and then fold the paper over when I'm done, cut around it and carefully tape around the edges with a (clear) scotch tape. (remembering to color it first).
That way you get the added strength of a double piece of paper but without any hassles. You can just print it out on regular letter paper.

Christian - Easter Coloring Page

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter long weekend as you take some time to turn away from your hassles and turn towards the Lord.

Love Laura-Lee (Creator/ Moderator)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Household Hint: Cleaning Your Microwave

If your microwave is really dirty and disgusting and at that "it's-easier-to-buy-a-new-one-than-clean-the-current-one" stage, here's a hint to help:

Take a cup of water and set it to boil and then leave it to steam up the inside of the microwave. While it's still good and wet inside the microwave, you'll discover that stuck on food will come off much easier.

You may have to do this a couple times but it beats using up time, elbow work and also much cheaper than purchasing a new microwave.

Love Laura-Lee