Friday, September 7, 2012


We need to start by learning to not be afraid to do something individual, but if you're like me, it's not always easy. We've been brought up a certain way. With rules and guidelines. Those aren't a bad thing. But they should be a foundation, not all that there is. The "Starting" gate; not the "Finish" line.

Your first project is to print out the picture below and color it ANY WAY YOU WANT! Do as little or as much as you wish. Use crayons or paint or nail polish.

The key word here is 'different' . So keep that in mind.

And, if you feel comfortable doing so, perhaps scan what you've done into your computer an send me a copy. I can posted or it can be just for me to see.

Let's see what you can do. (I can't wait)

Love   Laura-Lee

INSTRUCTIONS:  (for Windows/IE users) To Print out the picture below, hover over it and right-click. You should have a list that includes the word "PRINT". If it's not there, click on "SAVE AS" and save the picture to your computer , making sure to give it a name you will remember.  Then, after it's saved, find the file with the name you just gave it, open it and print out that file. Good luck. L-L

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